I must be the luckiest dog in the world…………I not only have two terrific owners but two heroes as well. You see……I have been away from my owners for about ten months now. They reluctantly left me with a wonderful care taker so they could join their brothers and sisters in keeping America safe. That’s right……both of my best friends are Army soldiers serving in Iraq.
They are wonderful people that would give the shirt off their backs to see people safe and happy. This is why it devastated my care taker to notify them about my current health situation.
I have had epilepsy since I was a young pup but my best friends have done a terrific job of keeping me on meds to prevent my awful seizures. In fact….wag my tail on wood…I haven’t had any seizures the whole time they have been gone. For the most part…..I have been healthy except for a sudden rapid decrease in my weight. The weight loss began just after my best friends left. My care taker voiced his concerns to my best friends but they thought that it might be the stress of having both of them gone…….yea I am a little stressed without them…..but…..I miss them mostly. They told my caretaker to continue to keep an eye on things and if any other symptoms came about or I got any worse to take me into my favorite veterinarian.
I know what you are thinking….all dogs hate the vet’s office……not me. They are very gentle with me and they talk to me when I get scared. If I’m really good they give me these yummy cookies that help clean the gook off my teeth.
After about a week I had started developing other symptoms……..my belly was very unhappy with me. So my care taker….did I mention he’s awesome……..took me in to see my friends at the vets office. They ran a bunch of profiles…… did some things I didn’t care for much… and in the end they said I had pancreatitis. This meant that I had to get some type of new food…….ooooohhhhhhh I wonder if it will taste as yummy as what I normally get…..wag wag wag. Oh……and more meds…..sorry Mr. Caretaker but I knew they were mixed in the food the whole time… but thanks for trying to get them to taste better.
I began to feel much better and I even gained some weight back. I was feeling great. I was going for walks twice a day and playing ball all the time…….this guys great…. he just keeps throwing the ball every time I bring it back….he must like this game as much as me.
Then I began to rapidly drop weight again except I wasn’t showing any other symptoms. This seemed to baffle the vet.
Now I am only 4 pounds and my best friends are very worried about me. The vet told my best friends that if I lost anymore weight that I wouldn’t make it……that I was slowly dieing. I laid my head on my care takers shoulder and let out a deep sigh……I can’t die before my best friends come home……they would be so hurt and after all they have been through they deserve to see me again. At that moment I decided that I would fight what my body was doing ……. I was determined to hold on until my owners….my best friends…came home. And so the fight began.
It’s hard to be away from the ones that you love. It’s even harder when they develop a life threatening illness……….chin up my friends…….your best friend is waiting for you to come home. See you soon my heroes!